The Pink Slip
I call myself under employed because I went from working a FT and PT job to only the hourly, PT job that is less than half of the FT salary job. From a corner office to a cubicle with high traffic and low walls. Well I now work from home, thank goodness but I do not like it here! Yes, I am grateful to still have some kind of steady income but it also feels like a fall from grace :/ I am adjusting, bear with me. Anyway, this is my story and this blog is just a way for me to vent on the job search, the frustration, depression that comes with it, fight to keep going, keeping a strong front on social media like my life hasn't missed a beat, what pandemic eh? Pretending to be stoic when friends and family keep telling me they are praying for me and not to worry: the right job (and man) will come, God's timing is always right bla bla bla * rolls eyes *. Yes, I am single too, we shall touch on that a little. God, if you are reading this, let me know if you need a little push in my job...